Net Rules
1. Kit & Equipment Rules
Anyone wishing to use the nets MUST be an authorised member of Capel Cricket Club and sign up for these net rules. The Nets are to remain locked when not in use and it is the responsibility of the approved member who unlocks the facility that it is locked when use is over.
No kit bags on the artificial playing surface, or within the hitting direction of the practice.

Wear suitable footwear i.e. rubber-soled (non-marking) cricket shoes or trainers. NO Spikes, NO heels, NO smooth soles, NO street shoes.

Batters working with a hard ball must wear adequate protection, helmet, box, pads etc.

All Under 18’s must bat in a helmet.

Members under the age of 18 using the net facility are the responsibility of their parents/guardians/carers.

Only proper leather cricket balls or bowling machine balls are to be used in nets. Tennis balls or purpose-made “incrediballs” may be used in appropriate circumstances.

No footballs, rugby balls etc to be used in the nets

Only water in suitable plastic water bottles is allowed in the nets

No smoking, food or alcohol in the nets whatsoever

The nets must be left in the condition they were found with stumps left in the appropriate positions and any rubbish removed.
2. Consideration to neighbours
The new nets are located on the boundary of the Recreation Ground and close to residential neighbours, therefore extra consideration must be given at all times including:
Minimally raised voices, unnecessary shouting or calling

No radios or music of any kind

Nets can only be operated between 09:00 am to 21:30 Mon to Sat and 10:00 to 21:30 on Sundays

The Bowling machine is not to be used after 17:00 at weekends.
3. Net Safety Rules
No spectators are to be in the nets.

Batters should pad up outside the net area.

Bowlers should only bowl when the batter is ready and should face the batter at all times. They should not bowl if a loose ball is in the net.

A loud cry of “STOP” should stop activity in all nets immediately to address any safety problem.

Balls should be returned immediately by the batter and not left to lie loose in the net.
Balls must be retrieved from the side netting by the Safe Method. The Safe Method is:
Check no one is bowling in the net next to you.

Once safe remove the ball from the net with your foot.

When the ball is away from the net pick the ball up.

Walk back to the back of the net keeping your eyes on the net at all times.

Bowling must be in accordance with the laws of cricket — from a legal distance, legal action, and no deliberate excess of short bowling.

The club will not accept responsibility for unaccompanied children using the nets facility.

People using the nets without the supervision of a qualified coach do so AT THEIR OWN RISK.
4. Bowling Machine Safety Rules
The bowling machine is for the use of ALL members of the Club. It may be used with prior agreement from the Committee. The Committee has agreed that any user wishing to make use of the bowling machine MUST follow the guidelines set out below:
Nobody under the age of 18 may operate the bowling machine.

You may only use the bowling machine if accompanied by a qualified user (a qualified user is someone who has been shown how to use a bowling machine correctly).

Any member using the machine does so at his/her own risk.

The qualified user must ensure the safety of all people using the machine whilst in their care. All users must inform people of the importance of health and safety and gain their acceptance of this policy as well.

Any user that breaches the manufacturer’s recommended operating procedures does so completely at their own risk and the Club will accept no liability for the user’s failure to comply. may lead to disciplinary action.

Any user causing damage may be liable for repair charges.

Any user in breach of any of these policies risks suspension from further use and possible disciplinary action.
The club will not accept responsibility for unaccompanied children using the nets facility.
People using the nets without the supervision of a qualified coach do so AT THEIR OWN RISK.